Hello my Lil Spicer's,
1st I would like to welcome you all to Spicy Lil Biitch LLC & thank you for choosing us!
True story...I was contemplating for quite some time on a cute name to call you guys. Then it hit me...LIL SPICER'S. I love the meaning of the word SPICER.
Spicer: 1. one who seasons with spice.
2. That which adds spice or (figurative) excitement.
OMG that's so cute in my opinion! This is how I view each & every one of you. To me you guys are people who season with SPICE & EXCITEMENT! I LOVE THIS! I especially love that you chose Spicy Lil Biitch to spice up your dish. Nothing brings us more pleasure then to help you enhance your dish.
In conclusion, I look forward to hearing from my Lil Spicer's soon. Please don't forget to stop by our online store & refer a friend to https:spicylilbiitch.com
Sincerely, Spicy Lil Biitch LLC